Can You Believe We're Still Fighting This?

We all know $10 in NYC doesn’t go very far. But on Thurs, May 11, your $10 will reach over 1,581 miles. PP South Dakota needs all the help they can get to fight the recent decision by SD lawmakers to outlaw a woman’s right to choose. Show your love for PP, and let’s bridge those 1,581 miles to South Dakota with our donations and our fighting spirit, as we say: “YES! We ARE fighting for choice!!!”

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

We would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of support that we've gotton following a snarky editorial written about us in the New York Sun. Especially we would like to thank:

Thank you for standing up for us as we stand up for choice! We really appreciate it!

We would also like to thank Ms. Colon, who we suspect started the whole thing just to help us spread the word (and for that we salute her!)


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